Volume VIII

William Laffan

Volume XX contains contributions from Mairéad Dunlevy, Rachel Finnegan, Tony Hand, Seán Lynch, Patricia McCarthy, Kevin V Mulligan, Joseph McMinn, William Molesworth, Mary Plunkett, Ruth Thorpe and Charlotte Yeldham.


  • Dublin fireworks

    Mairéad Dunlevy

  • The classical taste of William Ponsonby, 2nd Earl of Bessborough (1704-1793)

    Rachel Finnegan

  • The White Quarry, Ardbraccan

    Tony Hand

  • The stuccowork of Pat McAuliffe of Listowel

    Seán Lynch

  • New light on Ballyfin and the mysterious Dominick Madden: part I

    Patricia McCarthy and Kevin V Mulligan

  • Images of devotion: Swift and portraits

    Joseph McMinn

  • Two Shaftesburian commissions in Florence: Antonio Selvi’s portrait medals of John and Richard Molesworth

    William Molesworth

  • ‘Merciful hours’: Sr Mary Clare Augustine Moore’s illuminated works

    Mary Plunkett

  • Thomas Cooley before the Dublin Royal Exchange

    Ruth Thorpe

  • A regency artist in Ireland: Maria Spilsbury Taylor (1776-1820)

    Charlotte Yeldham

Volume VIII Cover Image
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